Ciel Cosplay / Aliexpress wig Review /Beaucon Jewels Blue Review

*Updated with finished cosplay pictures :)

I'm extremely late to the Black Butler party (by a fair few years!!) but since Book of Circus came out I decided to give Black Butler a watch (queue a marathon of episode watching and not sleeping) and here we are with me wanting desperately to do some cosplay!
My friends encouraged me to watch it since they're planning to cosplay as part of a Black Butler group for London expo, while I already have all my 'main' cosplays set I still can't resist trying to fit in Ciel at some point too, I'm still hoping I will have time in the evening to wear him.

Ciel obviously has a huge array out outfits to chose from cosplay wise so deciding on which one to go with was really tough, I'd of liked to go with the book of circus 'circus' outfit but I just don't think I could quite pull it off! Instead I selected a few favourites from season 1.

Although I wasn't too keen on this ep (curry bread ep never ends!!) I loved this outfit.

I also loved his fancy dress one which is quite similar but time wise it just wouldn't work since I have so much left to do on my other cosplays. Would of been nice to do since its close to Halloween though! 

This outfit felt a lot more manageable in that I could probably put something together based on clothes I already own rather than having to make loads of pieces. Ultimately though I still have no time so these will have to wait for another convention!

I decided to completely cheat and go with his fur lined cloak since all it requires is a cloak making and then the clothes underneath won't really be seen, plus its super cute :)

Since I'm still working on getting my other cosplays finished I've yet to start said cloak and found sourcing cheap fur to be a real pain in the butt. Hopefully I'll have some progress pics soon but if not I'll definitely be wanting to cosplay Ciel properly in the future :)

I've gotten quite a few compliments on my wig so here's a link if anyone is interested - Wig

The wig is two tone with white and dark hairs, it photographs quite nicely, here's a pic without any filters on top in natural light.

I think its the cheapest wig you can order from Aliexpress so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. 'You get what you pay for' and well this wig sheds hair like no business, in fact whole clumps of the weft came out as the side were it had been sewn incorrectly (one of the elasticated clips was sewn the wrong way!) Since I decided after buying this that I wanted to cosplay Ciel 'properly' I ordered another wig which I've yet to style but that wig ended up being very blue toned. I think it would probably suit book of Circus cosplay better since his hair looks bluer in that series. I think I may end up sticking with my rubbish £5 wig hahha!

The Lenses I wore for Ciel or lens should I say is the beaucon jewels blue  from Honeycolor which is by far one of my most favourite lenses, I don't think it's quite right for Ciel since its much lighter/aqua looking but its a very nice lens nevertheless. I've added an unedited image of my Lightning cosplay so you can see the colour better.

Thats all for now, hopefully I'll have some Ciel pictures from London soon! 

Update - I managed to get Ciel done after all! Unfortunately since I did only wear him in the evening I didn't get any 'proper' photos. In fact I'll save putting most of them here since I'm drunk in them all aha

Anyway I have some not so great quality photos of the cloak that I made so I'll put them here! :)
In the end I used a rubbish halloween cloak I had as a template and then made it much longer and larger. The hood is two D shaped pieces of fabric sewn together. (It was so simple I didn't really take photos of me making it!)

This is the fur I used. I almost didn't due this cosplay due to the cost of the fur itself. It was around £22 for the piece of long haired fur I wanted which to me is insane. Instead I went and got this couch throw from a home store for £15. I only needed a little bit so I was able to keep the excess and sew it back up into a smaller blanket.

bean wearing off cuts, sheep cat.

I sewed it all around the edge and then made the buckle. I used brown pleather and sewed it to either side. The buckle is fake (and made of foam) it joins with a velcro fastening.

Here's the finished cosplay! Sorry for the quality!!